Supreme Master Ching Hai on the Environment: – Be Veg Go Green Do Good -The Only Refuge Is in the Virtuous Way of Living Highlights During these two videoconferences with Association members Supreme Master Ching Hai emphasized on the importance of adopting a virtuous way of life by being vegetarian going green and doing good deeds. She said if we do not take care of our moral standards and live virtuously things will always happen be it disasters or the breaking down of our ecosystem because nature has a way of balancing out the bad retribution that we have caused. She said “We have to be compassionate again; we have to look into our heart to live the noble way that Heaven intended us to live. Otherwise no matter what solution there will be some other consequences coming.” Further explaining “We cannot compete with nature forever except we are listening to her call to live in harmony with all beings. To live and let live. Be vegetarian and be green. That’s the utmost solution.” Date: 2008.07.13 08.24 Place: New York USA Vancouver Canada Occasion: Videoconference Language: English Subtitles: Arabic Aulacese Bulgarian Simplified Chinese Traditional Chinese Croatian Czech English French German Hindi Hungarian Indonesian Italian Japanese Korean Persian Portuguese Russian Spanish Thai (21) Number of DVDs: 1