Highlights: The past and the present are more closely related than most people realize. Supreme Master Ching Hai in this loving exchange with disciples explains the many similarities between the Essenes — the ancient White Brotherhood community which is also known to have initiated Jesus Christ into its order — and the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association. Masters exploration into the discourses of the Essene Brotherhood although more strict in its practice than the Association reminds us of how our daily lives precepts and ways of living make the world universe and ourselves better. With trust in the creator and a reliance on gratitude we honorably walk the same path as the Essene brothers and sisters of the past. Date: 12/2425/2007 Place: Paris France Occasion: Christmas Retreat Language: English Subtitles: Aulacese Bulgarian Simplified Chinese Traditional Chinese English Indonesian Japanese Korean Spanish Thai (10) Number of DVDs: 2