Supreme Master Ching Hai on the Environment: Live Our Lives with Conscience & Love Penghu is a small island located off the southwest coast of Formosa (Taiwan). Surrounded by the ocean people there can clearly see the effects of climate change already. Our Association members in Penghu thus especially invited Supreme Master Ching Hai to discuss this global issue via video-conference. The Supreme Master expressed “I am also very worried but we can only advise people to change. We can only help the Earth and ourselves by persuading people to change their lifestyle and live their life with conscience and love. Our Inner Self has everything. Our Inner Self has the Almighty power God’s power. If we turn to our Inner Self keep a vegetarian diet be moral and be a really good person we can surely save everything.” Date: 08/02/2008 Place: Penghu Formosa Occasion: Videoconference Language: Chinese Subtitles: Arabic Aulacese Bulgarian Simplified Chinese Traditional Chinese Czech English French German Hindi Hungarian Indonesian Italian Japanese Korean Persian Portuguese Russian Spanish Thai Number of DVDs: 1