Title: The Book Premiere of Supreme Master Ching Hai’s – The Dogs in My Life and The Noble Wilds Highlights: To awaken people’s love for all beings two publications of the Supreme Master Ching Hai The Dogs in My Life and The Noble Wilds both the Aulacese version have been published in Thailand. The Supreme Master told us that She often teaches her ten dogs the concept of family and expects that humans and animals can keep harmony as a family as well. Amoura originating from French means love. The animals living near Lake Amoura live in a natural flow of love and noble qualities. Through these two books the Supreme Master Ching Hai delivers the message of love again and again Love is very powerful. We have this powerful love within us. Only when we remember and develop our love then can the planet have a chance to survive. Aulacese Edition/No. 883 (2 Disks) Date: 2009.08.15 Place: Nonthaburi Thailand Occasion: Videoconference Language: English and Aulacese Subtitles: Arabic Aulacese Simplified Chinese Traditional Chinese Dutch English French German Hebrew Hindi Hungarian Indonesian Italian Japanese Korean Mongolian Persian Polish Portuguese Punjabi Romanian Russian Spanish Thai Turkish Urdu (26)