Celestial Art is a distinguished volume in which the author interprets artistic creation from a spiritual perspective to reflect Truth virtues and the beauty of Heaven. As readers are invited into the boundless world of Supreme Master Ching Hai’s art and uplifted through its resonance with the divine they will be profoundly touched by the deep emotions of a poet the subtle touches of a painter the unique ideas of a designer and the romantic heart of a musician. Above all one is blessedly introduced to the wisdom and compassion of a great spiritual teacher. Supreme Master Ching Hai personally named this book “Celestial Art” to bring the beauty of Heaven to this world. The works of art collected in this book symbolize a noble way of living in real practice. As a collection of Supreme Master Ching Hai’s creative works of art throughout the years this book is presented in exquisite color photographs and simple yet profound comments by the author herself. She speaks of the natural process behind her creativity and her source of inspiration revealing for readers an appreciation of the true meaning of her works. She also shares ways to help us develop our own creative talents. As a collection of Supreme Master Ching Hai’s creative works of art throughout the years, this book is presented in exquisite color photographs and simple yet profound comments by the author herself. She speaks of the natural process behind her creativity and her source of inspiration, revealing for readers an appreciation of the true meaning of her works. She also shares ways to help us develop our own creative talents. Although Supreme Master Ching Hai never received formal training in the arts, she is gifted with refined creative ability. Many of her works, inspired by spontaneous intuition, are natural, expressive, and tenderly graced with divine love. Although Supreme Master Ching Hai never received formal training in the arts she is gifted with refined creative ability. Many of her works inspired by spontaneous intuition are natural expressive and tenderly graced with divine love. “If we can find our Truth virtue and beauty again then the material world will become more meaningful to us and the world will be more beautiful. We can find the Truth in this illusionary world because we can always track down the real thing by following its shadow.” ~ Supreme Master Ching Hai ~ 324 Pages (Hardcover Edition) Pages: 324 Size: 28.1 x 29.7 ISBN : 978-986-6895-37-1
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