Highlights: Supreme Master Ching Hai walks us through the understanding of the deep poetic truths that are locked in the scriptures of the ancient gurus — in this case the Indian poet Kabir. It is within these teachings that we can begin to comprehend the infinite value of the living Master who awakens our wisdom so that we may begin to live in line with the true meanings behind the esoteric teaching. We grow in spirit not only through knowledge of the right way but also by doing our best to constantly walk the path stay steadfast to the narrow road follow the precepts and live a noble life. We know that the path to the Kingdom of God is a long road with many obstacles which is why we need the protection of a great and noble Master. Date: 12/28/2007 Place: Paris France Occasion: Paris Christmas Retreat Language: English Subtitles: Aulacese Bulgarian Simplified Chinese Traditional Chinese English French German Indonesian Italian Japanese Korean Slovene Spanish Thai (14) Number of DVDs: 1