Supreme Master Ching Hai’s poetry anthology Silent Tears is a work of genius written by Supreme Master Ching Hai when she first became a spiritual Master with each word emanating the divine Light of the Himalayas. From the perspective of a Truth seeker the poet narrates the hardships and frustration of seeking growth on the spiritual path. She elaborates clearly on the divine inner relationship between Master and disciple which far transcends that between parent and child or husband and wife. The concluding poems in the collection describe the bliss of the Truth seeker when she discovers the eternal Heavenly Kingdom within. Readers may be able to relate the work’s sentiments to their own heartfelt feelings or smile knowingly at its apt humorous metaphors thus becoming intoxicated by the divine love that touches the soul. Witnessing a great being finally breaking away from the bondage of the secular world and blossoming with magnificent spiritual colors is indeed the greatest inspiration and encouragement for a Truth seeker 132 Pages (Hardcover Edition) ISBN : 9789866895043
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