Supreme Master Ching Hai’s exquisite new poetry collection titled “The Love of Centuries” is available in the English and Aulacese now. A warm and elegantly romantic volume of 46 verses express the poet’s vast heart that encompasses youthful nostalgia for the homeland her love for all beings as well as the special ones in her life and the Divine love of an enlightened Master for all God’s precious Creation. Among the newly featured/published poems are Supreme Master Ching Hai’s “Please Wake Up!” and “Please Don’t!” her spontaneous soul-comforting lullaby “Good Night Baby” and first-ever revealed heartfelt odes to the sun the moon and the stars. We are deeply grateful to Supreme Master Ching Hai for allowing this precious new poetry collection to be shared with readers around the world. Through these deeply resonating verses of universal love may hearts be moved and souls elevated. 192 Pages (Hardcover Edition)
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