Animals can teach us a lot. They are very intelligent beings with highly developed emotion intellect and spirit. They are simple and humble so we need to be more sensitive to understand their emotional mental and spiritual needs. Animals understand us and every word we say but we dont understand every word of theirs! Who is cleverer? If we have an animal friend we should offer our respect and loyalty like we do to our family. For example if we move house we have to consider them like we would do for our children thinking how they will adapt to the new climate environment and etc. Animals understand us and every word we say but we dont understand every word of theirs! Who is cleverer? If we have an animal friend we should offer our respect and loyalty like we do to our family. For example if we move house we have to consider them like we would do for our children thinking how they will adapt to the new climate environment and etc. Date: 09/01 07/2002 Place: Indiana Center USA. & Vienna Center Austria Occasion: Videoconference Language: English Number of DVDs: 1
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