Supreme Master Ching Hai on the Environment: Leading a Virtuous Lifestyle in Accord with the Law of Love Highlights The global warming crisis is now urgently requiring immediate action. Supreme Master Ching Hai mentions in this videoconference that the climate change could accelerate to the point of no return “Unless people change to a more benevolent lifestyle that is respecting all lives then we will beget life and our lives be spared… The more vegetarian people joining the circle the more chance we have to save the planet.” We are all connected on this planet so we can really influence each other with our thoughts and actions and thus make significant changes to the global crisis. The Supreme Master further explains “Only love can absorb all the negative energies. Only love can transform it.” So let’s carry the message of “Be Veg Go Green” everywhere we go be positive and do good as a shining example to all our brethren. Date: 07/31/2008 Place: California USA Occasion: Videoconference Language: English Subtitles: Arabic Aulacese Bulgarian Simplified Chinese Traditional Chinese Croatian Czech English French German Hindi Hungarian Indonesian Italian Japanese Korean Persian Portuguese Russian Spanish Swedish Thai Number of DVDs: 1