Video conference with Supreme Master Ching Hai & Former Philippine President Fidel Ramos “Act Now! For a More Peaceful & Safer World” On February 21st 2009 former President of the Philippines Mr. Fidel Ramos visited the Taipei Center of the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association to host the “Act Now. For a More Peaceful and Safer World” seminar through live video conference with Supreme Master Ching Hai. His Excellency Mr. Ramos stressed that a wise sharing and frugal kind of consumption is the beginning of saving the world. He also quoted the motto of the Ramos Peace Foundation: “Caring Sharing Daring” as an encouragement for the world to take united action as people and as nations. Supreme Master Ching Hai took this special opportunity to express Her gratitude in person for Mr. Ramos’ extraordinary aid for Aulacese refugees during his presidential reign. In similar manner She also encouraged able nations to help environmental refugees relocate therefore showing the true meaning of brotherhood of nations. Date: 02/21/2009 Place: Formosa Language: English Subtitles: Arabic Aulacese Simplified Chinese Traditional Chinese English French German Hebrew Hindi Hungarian Indonesian Italian Japanese Korean Mongolian Persian Polish Portuguese Punjabi Romanian Russian Spanish Thai Turkish Urdu Number of DVDs: 1
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